

15:00 -16:00

Event Details:

Title:Lecture by Zhouli Xu: Stable homotopy groups of spheres and motivic homotopy theory

Venue Room210, No.2 Haina Yuan

Speaker徐宙利 Zhouli Xu (University of California San Diego)

Abstract. The computation of stable homotopy groups of spheres is one the most fundamental problems in topology. It has connections to many topics in topology, such as cobordism theory and the classification of smooth structures on spheres. 

In this talk, we will survey some classical methods, explain their difficulty via Mahowald’s Uncertainty Principles, and describe a new technique using motivic homotopy theory. This new technique yields streamlined computations through previously known range, and gives new computations through dimension 90. 

Profile. 徐宙利,2008年本科毕业于北京大学,2017年获得芝加哥大学博士学位,目前是加州大学圣迭戈分校数学系副教授。徐宙利的研究方向是代数拓扑,主要从事球面同伦群的研究,与合作者在球面稳定同伦群的计算上取得了重大突破,受邀在2022年国际数学家大会上做分会报告。


Lecture Seminar