辛几何、数学物理与低维拓扑讨论班:周子浚 Coulomb branch and enumerative geometry



地点: 东七一层报告厅

报告内容: Coulomb branches of 3d N=4 theories and their quantizations, originated appearing in physics and later developed by Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima, provide new ways of constructing algebras. In this talk, I will discuss its connection to enumerative geometry, where representations of Coulomb branches are expected to show up from the moduli of quasimaps into Higgs branches. Interesting enumerative invariants, such as I-functions/Okounkov's vertex functions, quantum differential/difference modules, etc. can be described in terms of quantized Coulomb branch. I'll also talk about potential applications, includding variation of GIT and 3d mirror symmetry in the abelian case.