数论与表示论讨论班:郗平 The Brun--Titchmarsh Theorem


时间:3月6日 16:00-17:00


报告内容:It is fundamental to understand the distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions. With the aid of Brun’s sieve, Titchmarsh gave the first upper bound, which is of correct order of magnitude, on the number of such primes in an individual arithmetic progression. This gives the so-called Brun--Titchmarsh theorem. We will discuss our recent work on sharpening this theorem with better constants for general moduli and for special moduli, and the tools include Dirichlet polynomials, character/exponential sums, moments of L-functions, $\ell$-adic cohomology and spectral theory of automorphic forms. This is a joint work with Junren Zheng.