PICTURES 2025| 2024| 2023| 2022| 2021| 2020| 2019| Lecture by Botong Wang: Intersection cohomology in combinato... 2023-10-17 Lecture by Zhouli Xu: Stable homotopy groups of spheres and ... 2023-10-17 Seminar by Xiudi Tang: Symplectic and smooth excision 2023-10-13 Seminar by Jianfeng Lin: Configuration space integrals and f... 2023-09-25 Seminar by Qingchao Yu: Affine Deligne-Lusztig variety of Co... 2023-09-19 Seminar by Fabian Januszewski: Families of D-modules and ari... 2023-09-19 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 23W5100 - Geometry of Hyperkahler Varieti... 2023-09-08 Lecture by Dihua Jiang: Godement-Jacquet Kernals And Clozel ... 2023-08-24 Lecture by Daqing Wan: Counting Roots of Polynomials 2023-08-21 Lecture by Junliang Shen: Perverse filtrations in geometry a... 2023-08-16 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 23W5066 - Partial Differential Equations ... 2023-08-11 ISAM Distinguished Lectures: The p-adic Borel Hyperbolicity ... 2023-07-27 IASM Distinguished Lectures: Kähler-Einstein metric, K-stabi... 2023-07-27 IASM Distinguished Lectures: Geometry of theta correspondenc... 2023-07-25 Seminar by Lei Zhang: Wavefront Sets and Generic L-parckets 2023-07-19 Concerto in quantum K theory 2023-07-06 per page 16 records total 49 records firstpage <<previouspage nextpage>> endpage PageNumber 2/4 jumpto