PICTURES 2025| 2024| 2023| 2022| 2021| 2020| 2019| Seminar by Jialiang Zou: Theta correspondence and Springer c... 2025-01-03 Seminar by Xingyu Zhu: Fundamental groups and Ricci curvatur... 2025-01-03 Lecture by Hong Wang: Restriction estimates using decoupling... 2024-12-23 Lecture by Yichao Tian: Prismatic cohomology and p-adic comp... 2024-12-11 Seminar by Heng Du: On Recent Progress in the Overconvergenc... 2024-12-05 Seminar by Lingfei Yi: Geometric Langlands for Irregular The... 2024-11-28 Seminar by Hui Gao: Integral Sen theory and integral Hodge f... 2024-11-21 Seminar by Yupeng Wang: A stacky p-adic Riemann-Hilbert corr... 2024-11-21 Seminar by Jingren Chi: Geometry of affine Springer fibers a... 2024-11-13 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 24W5507 - Cell and Tissue Mechanics: Mode... 2024-11-08 Seminar by Peiyi Cui: l-Modular Blocks: How far are we from ... 2024-11-06 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 24W5506 - Cross-Fertilisation of ideas fr... 2024-11-02 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 24W5504 - Structured Mesh Methods for Mov... 2024-10-26 Seminar by Yiwen Ding: A locally analytic p-adic Langlands c... 2024-10-23 IASM-BIRS WORKSHOP 24W5505 - Poisson Geometry and Artin-Sche... 2024-10-19 Seminar by Emmanuel Lecouturier: Eisenstein cocycles for ima... 2024-10-16 per page 16 records total 56 records firstpage <<previouspage nextpage>> endpage PageNumber 1/4 jumpto